Ramapo College of New Jersey
Waiver Form
Spring 2025 for NEW Spring Students
It is important for you to make an informed health assessment each year. For instance, have your health needs changed? Will you be participating in a study abroad program? Do you have access to a network that covers you throughout the country and do you have coverage for emergencies? Make sure you have appropriate health coverage so that an unexpected illness or accident doesn’t hold back your wellness or academic success.
You may waive coverage under this plan if you have health insurance that meets all of Ramapo’s insurance plan requirements. You will need to provide information about your coverage. An accepted waiver applies to the full academic year during which it is filed.
The waiver deadline is February 28, 2025. PLEASE FILL OUT THE REQUIRED FIELDS BELOW:
Please note the Student ID is an eight-digit number preceded by an R. Please make sure the ID number is entered properly.