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Temple University

Student Athlete Health Insurance Plan
2024-2025 Academic Year

If you have questions about the student health insurance program
please call University Health Plans at 1-800-437-6448.

Dear Student Athlete or Parent:

Temple University is pleased to announce that we have teamed up with University Health Plans to provide health insurance coverage for our student athletes. Temple University requires all students to be enrolled in a health insurance plan while attending the University. Your son or daughter may not have health insurance coverage, or adequate health insurance coverage. It is our experience that, while the majority of Temple students are covered by a health insurance plan, some students do not have family coverage, or their insurance plan has barriers to accessing care (such as high deductibles, limited coverage for services received outside of the health plan's service area, or not having participating providers in the area of Temple University). Please make sure that any alternative coverage includes the student's college years.

The Temple Athlete plan offers affordable coverage that will supplement the services provided on campus. The student insurance plan is underwritten by Wellfleet Insurance Company, claims are paid by Wellfleet Student, and University Health Plans manages and services the program. The brochure can be viewed through the link on the left side of this page. The insurance plan annual coverage premium is $2,783 (August 1, 2024 - July 31, 2025). The insurance plan spring coverage premium is $1,617 (January 1, 2025 - July 31, 2025). Enrollment is open to students athletes only, eligibility is verified prior to enrollment processing. 

Temple University requires all Student Athletes to be enrolled in a health insurance plan while attending the University.

If you are enrolling in the Temple University Student Health Insurance Plan, you must complete the enrollment form on the left of this page.