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University of Rhode Island 

Delta Dental PPO Plus Premium w/ DeltaVision 130 Plan
2024-2025 Policy Year

Dear University of Rhode Island Students,

University Health Plans is pleased to offer students attending the University of Rhode Island an option to enroll on to the Delta Dental PPO Plus Premier with DeltaVision 130 Plan. You may enroll in this plan on a VOLUNTARY basis; it is not required insurance.

*New for the 2024-2025 policy year effective September 1, 2024* - enrollment in this plan will include enrollment in the Delta Dental PPO Plus Premier Plan AND DeltaVision 130 Plan

The enrollment deadline for coverage effective January 1, 2025 through August 31, 2025 has been extended to February 15, 2025. This is the final deadline for the policy period. No exceptions will be made after this date. Enrollment will be processed AFTER the posted deadline. Once processed, coverage will be effective retroactive to January 1, 2025.

As with any insurance plan, please make sure you have read the Plan Highlights & Benefits Summary for both dental and vision before enrolling.  The copayments are subject to change. The most up-to-date copayment schedule can be found on at anytime during the policy year.

DENTAL PARTICIPATING PROVIDERS: This plan utilizes both the Delta Dental PPO and Delta Dental Premier networks. Both networks have participating providers nationwide and offer discounted fees. You do not need to select a primary care dentist under either network. You will receive the greatest out-of-pocket savings when visiting a Delta Dental PPO network provider, however, the benefit levels are not different should you select a Delta Dental Premier network provider. When searching for providers through the Provider Search, click on National Coverage and then PPO for the greatest value. If your dentist of choice is not listed, you may then search on the Premier network.

VISION PARTICIPATING PROVIDERS: This plan utilizes both the VSP Choice Network. To find an in-network provider, please use the Participating Provider Search link under DeltaVision 130 on the left side of this page. Very limited out-of-network benefits may be available. Review the plan summary under DeltaVision 130 on the left side of this page for in-network and out-of-network coverage information. 


  • Voluntary Students & Dependents: As a registered student at The University of Rhode Island you are eligible to enroll yourself and your dependents in the Delta Dental PPO Plus Premier with DeltaVision 130 Plan by selecting the appropriate option on the enrollment form. Student and dependent premium are due at time of enrollment.

  • Graduate Teaching, Research, and Administrative Assistants (this is a G.A.U. benefit): Student enrollment is submitted by the University. You may elect to enroll your dependents by selecting the appropriate option on the enrollment form. Dependent premium only is due at time of enrollment.

The premium cost for each coverage option, which includes an administration fee, are as follows:

Voluntary Students & Dependents Coverage Period Plan Premiums
Student Only: 01/01/25-08/31/25 $240.00
Student & 1 Dependent: 01/01/25-08/31/25 $472.00
Student & 2 or more Dependents: 01/01/25-08/31/25 $742.00
Graduate Teaching, Research, and Administrative  Assistants Dependents Coverage Period Plan Premiums
Student: 01/01/25-08/31/25
 Enrolled by URI
1 Dependent: 01/01/25-08/31/25 $232.00
2 or more Dependents: 01/01/25-08/31/25 $502.00

Students and dependents who wish to enroll in this plan MUST submit the online enrollment form and pay the full premium amount online via credit card no later than midnight on the posted deadline for their selected coverage period.

IMPORTANT: Please review the Plan Highlights & Benefits for both dental and vision BEFORE enrolling. 

Should you have any questions regarding the enrollment process, please contact University Health Plans via email at or at 800-437-6448.