Additional Products & Services
The additional products and services listed below are optional. Some of these products and services include vision and dental plans, property insurance, health savings plans and individual travel insurance plans. These plans are an ancillary cost and are not included in the student health plan rate.
Dental Insurance
(For Massachusetts Students Only)

University Health Plans is pleased to offer students attending colleges and universities in MA and their dependents a choice of two dental insurance plans (DeltaCare and Delta Dental PPO Plus Premier). You may enroll in these plans on a VOLUNTARY basis; they are not required insurance.
Vision Insurance

University Health Plans is pleased to offer students attending colleges and universities and their dependents a vision insurance plan. You may enroll in this plan on a VOLUNTARY basis; it is not required insurance.
Renters Insurance

University Health Plans is pleased to offer Renters Insurance that is made easy for you. Assurant offers a variety of coverage options to meet your lifestyle and is able to deliver proof of coverage straight to your landlord.
Savings Plans

University Health Plans is pleased to offer students attending colleges and universities a variety of health and wellness savings plans.