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Sarah Lawrence College

2024-2025 Academic Year

Dear Students and Parents:

Sarah Lawrence College is committed to promoting good health and meeting the medical needs of its students. A health insurance plan is critical in providing peace of mind, knowing that students can receive the services they need in the event of a sickness or injury.

 All SLC students in an Undergraduate or Graduate credit bearing degree or certificate and enrolled in a credit bearing class, where they are required to be in-person are eligible for the Student Health Insurance. The Annual Term Student Health Insurance Plan covers students from August 15, 2024, through August 14, 2025. The Plan includes a local and national network of Preferred Providers and is designed to be a comprehensive option. 

Comparable coverage is a US health insurance plan that is filed and approved in the US and compliant with the Affordable Care Act (ACA). The plan must also include comprehensive medical, mental health, and prescription drug benefits accessible to students in the area surrounding the Sarah Lawrence College Campus.  See below for things to consider before waiving.  Please note: the following plan changes apply to the 24-25 policy year. The deductible will increase from $150 in-network and out-of network to $250 in-network and out-of-network, the in-network out-of-pocket maximum will increase to $9,450, the tier 3 Rx benefit will increase to $60 Copay + 20% Coinsurance. 

Cost and Coverage Periods

  Annual Students New Spring Students
Coverage Dates 08/15/2024 - 08/14/2025 01/01/2025 - 08/14/2025
Insurance cost $4,867 $3,013
Waiver Deadline July 15, 2024 December 20, 2024

Although many families have some form of health insurance, it's important to ensure that students are adequately covered while attending school. All too often, situations arise where a student requires medical or mental health care beyond what is available at the SLC Health & Wellness Center, only to discover that their health insurance covers them only in the event of an emergency or in their home geographic region. This frequently results in students taking an otherwise unnecessary leave of absence from college to return home to get the treatment they need. In other situations, the student’s health insurance plan may provide coverage in New York, but the list of providers they must choose from is extremely limited and often are not close to campus, making access a significant problem. SLC Health & Wellness Center staff members are rarely familiar with these providers and, therefore, cannot assist the student with any recommendations. Further, coverage that is provided is often insufficient in meeting the student’s needs. The result is an added out-of-pocket expense for parents who must pay privately for adequate care. 

International Students: All students must be insured by a US health insurance plan that is filed and approved in the US and compliant with the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Generally, only plans offered through employment in the US or purchased through the New York marketplace will meet this requirement. Plans marketed solely to international students are not filed and approved in the US, or compliant with the ACA, and do not meet the insurance requirements. Cigna Global, GBG Insurance, HDL Global Specialty, ISO, Tigerless, PGH (United), PSI, Student Medicover, and Tata AIG are examples of companies that do not meet the waiver requirements. 

Non-U.S. Based Insurance companies or coverage provided from countries with socialized medicine, including Canada is NOT considered comparable coverage, and you are required to enroll in the Sarah Lawrence College Student Health Insurance Plan.

To assist you in making an informed decision regarding your student’s health insurance needs, here are some general questions to ask your current health plan to ensure that it provides adequate coverage:

  • Does your current health plan provide coverage while in the area of the Sarah Lawrence campus? Many HMO plans provide coverage for Emergency Treatment only, while out-of-area of the local HMO.
  • Does your current health plan cover mental health services? Many employer-sponsored plans provide very limited coverage for mental health services.
  • Does your current health plan provide coverage anywhere in the world, including medical evacuation and repatriation benefits, while the student is away from campus for academics, research, work, or vacation? Many employer-sponsored plans will only provide coverage while in the United States, and most do not include any medical evacuation or repatriation benefits.
  • Does your current health plan include a nationwide network of Preferred Providers, guaranteeing acceptance of your health insurance plan, and reducing the student’s out-of-pocket expenses? Many employer-sponsored plans are managed-care type plans, with a regionally based preferred provider network.
  • Does your current health plan include Prescription Drug coverage, and a nationwide network of member pharmacies? Many employer sponsored plans do not provide prescription drug coverage, or only very limited benefits available at certain local pharmacies.
  • Does your current health plan include coverage for Intercollegiate Sports? It is standard practice for employer-sponsored health plans to exclude coverage for all Intercollegiate Sports related injuries.

While the majority of students' health issues can be met by The Health & Wellness Center, there are times when outside specialists or additional consultation is warranted. At such times, the Student Health Insurance Plan sponsored by Sarah Lawrence College, provides coverage worldwide and allows students to seek care from any licensed provider, once the referral from Sarah Lawrence Health & Wellness Center is made. Students also have access to a nationwide Preferred Provider Network and a national network of member pharmacies. The Plan is underwritten by Wellfleet Insurance Company and administered by University Health Plans. The Annual Cost of coverage is $4,867 for the period of 08/15/24 - 08/14/25.  The cost of Spring Term coverage is $3,013 for the period of 01/01/25 - 08/14/25.  Always go to the on-campus Health and Wellness Center when possible to receive a referral to receive the maximum benefits payable by your Student Health Insurance Plan.

When students use a preferred provider, their out-of-pocket expenses can be limited as students’ coinsurance expenses are based on negotiated Preferred Provider fees. The Plan covers expenses relating to injury or sickness, including diagnostic testing, lab and x-ray services, doctor visits, and prescription drugs.

Newly eligible spring students who determine that they have existing comparable coverage will need to complete and submit the online Waiver Form by December 20, 2024. It is your responsibility to carefully compare your current health insurance plan with that offered by SLC to ensure that the coverage is truly comparable. By completing the online waiver form, you are attesting to the fact that you are familiar with both plans and will be responsible for providing for your student’s medical and/or mental health needs should your own health insurance prove insufficient. If you do not have comparable health insurance or do not complete the online Waiver Form by December 20, 2024, you will be required to purchase the Student Health Insurance Plan and will automatically be enrolled.

Please allow 5-7 business days from the date of your waiver submission for the credit to be reflected on your student bill.

We encourage you to read the information provided and take the time to make an informed decision regarding your health coverage. If you have questions regarding the Student Health Insurance Plan, please contact University Health Plans, Inc. at 833-251-1139.

Yours truly,

Mary Hartnett R.N.
Director of Medical Services
Sarah Lawrence College Health & Wellness Center