If you have applied recently or intend to apply soon for NJFC, please be aware of the SHIP Plan (SHIP) waiver deadline and the NJFC application processing time. We cannot extend the SHIP waiver deadline date.
If you have your NJFC health insurance card, go to www.universityhealthplans.com before the deadline to complete the waiver form.
Visit www.njfamilycare.org to verify the application procedures and timeline. We were informed by NJFC that the process takes at least 60–90 days after submitting an application. If your application was not approved before the SHIP waiver deadline and you do not have other coverage, you will be automatically enrolled after the SHIP waiver deadline and will be responsible for the nonrefundable premium. Apply early to NJFC to get enrolled and meet the waiver deadline for the SHIP!
Once you have completed your application with NJFC you will receive a letter from them thanking you for your application and that they have received your information. During the application review, NJFC might contact you for additional information. You should respond as soon as possible to these requests to keep your application moving through the process. NJFC will send you a final letter stating your eligibility and effective date of coverage and that your Health insurance information will follow. The effective date of coverage must show September 1, xxxx to be eligible to waive for the Fall semester, and February 1, xxxx to be eligible to waive for the Spring semester. The above is only a guideline, the process could have different pieces for your particular case.
If you receive your health insurance card prior to the posted waiver deadline date, you need to complete a SHIP waiver form at the following website: www.universityhealthplans.com/shu
If you receive your health insurance card after the posted waiver deadline date, but before November 30th and your effective date of coverage is September 1st for the Fall semester, or before April 30th and your effective date of coverage is February 1st for the Spring semester, please email info@univhealthplans.com requesting a late waiver due to receiving your NJFC approval late. Please include your student ID number on all emails.